
Planned Absences
If your child will be absent from school for an extended period of time there are two steps to take. First, please notify your child's teacher. Second, you must also complete a Planned Family Absence form which is available in the school office.

Lunch payment procedures
(from Becki Schreiber, School Nutrition Program Director)
The lunch menu is posted online on the YES Home Page.

Footwear & Clothing
Children have two outside recesses each day. Please be sure your child wears appropriate clothing for the current weather conditions. Please label your child's clothing/footwear with his/her name or initials (especially winter wear!). Thank you!

Recycling & Composting
Recycling and composting are important practices for our students. There are recycling bins in every classroom. A composting bin has been constructed outside near the School Garden. Students are encouraged to compost their fruit and vegetable pieces left over from snack/lunch.