
Your child should be reading for 20 minutes, at least four times a week- either silently or aloud. If you would like a monthly reading log for support, please let me know. There are a couple of links on our blog that can help you find great books!

Math Home Links will come home most days. They are a review of what we was taught in class that day and, therefore, should be completed that night and returned to school the following day. However, I respect your time as a family. Feel free to return a partially completed assignment. Spend no more than 10 POSITIVE minutes! Reminder: Not all Home Links are reviewing secure skills, and some concepts are meant to be at the introductory level, and so may be challenging. That's okay! Feel free to support as needed. Discovery Math will be sent home every Friday. Your child has the option to complete some/all of it and turn it in by the following Friday.

There are also times when homework is related to our science/social studies units of study and/or other literacy-based concepts.